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What is CompatTelRunner.exe?

Windows 10 is still struggling to keep its place as the most used operating system. This is due in part to an aggressive marketing campaign. It also influences that most computers when sold include some version of the Windows operating system. Similarly, it also uses tools to verify the behavior of the operating system. For that reason, there is the Windows telemetry. It runs through the CompatTelRunner.exe process. Well, on this page, we will see what all this is about. And additionally, we will know if it is safe or not.


What is Telemetry (CompatTelRunner.exe)

Simply put, telemetry in Windows 10 is the process by which operating system usage data is sent to Microsoft servers. In order to develop this work, it uses the CompatTelRunner.exe process. This is an executable file that is an integral part of the Windows operating system. Normally, this application can be found in the C:\Windows\System32 folder. Additionally, the file is the component of the Windows Customer Experience Improvement Program. Normally, the archive transfers telemetry data and technical data about the operating system to Microsoft.

Anonymous data collection.

First, it is good to clarify that not only Windows makes use of telemetry. In fact, Android the Google mobile operating system also uses it. Now, the data collected by the tool is anonymous. That is, they are not associated with our email account or our name, but are presented as an unidentified user. So, if the data is not associated with any person, then there should be no problem. On the other hand, it is also possible to take a screenshot when reporting the error. Consequently, if several equal screenshots arrive, then it is determined which app generates the error. On the other hand, it is also possible to take a screenshot when reporting the error. Consequently, if several equal screenshots arrive, then it is determined which app generates the error. So it’s certainly a very interesting tool at the developer level. Since it allows to identify more easily where the error is.

Is It Important?

What happens is that the applications are not perfect and therefore may fail. Reviewing the entire code of an application to see what is wrong is very inefficient. Since it would take a lot of time and effort. Correspondingly, this is where telemetry is necessary since data sent by Windows is collected. Consequently, this data is analyzed and you can see where the error is.

My view

At the end of the day, the telemetry and its process CompatTelRunner.exe is a legitimate program integrated to Windows 10. As we have discussed, its use is safe since, in theory, it does not compromise the user’s privacy. This program is configured to start by default with the operating system. However, it is possible to disable its operation. To know how to do it, please check our post about solving the high CPU usage by telemetry. All right, that’s it for now. See you soon!

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