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How much internet data is required for Windows 10 upgrade?

Question: How much Internet data is required for Windows 10 upgrade?

Answer:  For an initial download and install of the latest Windows 10 over your previous Windows it will take around 3.9 GB internet data. But after completion of the initial upgrade, It also require some more internet data to apply the latest updates. Estimated it may eat up approx  1-2 gb of internet bandwidth for for this process. So we can consider 5 to 6 GB Internet data is required for the Windows 10 Upgrade. See the process how to upgrade to windows 10.

4 thoughts on “How much internet data is required for Windows 10 upgrade?”

  1. windows 10 update assistant taking so much gigabyte……………………….
    According to me,we should go with downloading windows 10 ISO file . DON’T go with assistant.
    Anyone tell me how benefit to download using with windows 10 assi…..” whatever”: > ha|..

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