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Avira uninstall Tool – Removal Tool (Free Download)

Download Avira uninstall tool

avira removal tool direct download

Download Avira Removal Tool

  • Removal Tool  – Avira Removal Tool – Download
  • User Manual – Avira Antivirus user manual – Download

Here’s Direct Link of www.Avira.com

Official uninstall guide: Click here to know how to uninstall Avira Antivirus

Manual Removal Guide: Click here to know how to remove Avira antivirus manually

Removal Tool Download Page: http://www.avira.com/en/support-download-avira-antivir-removal-tool

(Note: Avira has stopped to provide its own removal tool to remove Avira antivirus. Now, they are just providing the usual instructions how to uninstall Avira antivirus through control panel. We’ll update here if they provide the removal tool again in future. You can use REVO uninstaller tool to remove it.)

Do you want to uninstall Avira Antivirus?

You should remove it by their proper Avira removal tool.
If you try to uninstall it by add/remove program, it doesn’t remove it completely, because some of security registries entries might be still remains, which can be create problems.
If you don’t use removal tool you might be facing the problem like: Computer freezing, Unable to connect internet, computer speed slow and also might be getting installation error.
Download the removal tool to uninstall the antivirus completely.

If above information doesn’t help you then you should use REVO Uninstaller Tool to remove Avira Antivirus. Revo uninstaller usually uses to remove which programs which does not want to uninstall through its own windows uninstaller from control panel. Revo will be the REVO uninstaller Tool.

Click here to Download REVO uninstaller Tool

Download Avira Free Antivirus 2014

Avira coupon codes

47 thoughts on “Avira uninstall Tool – Removal Tool (Free Download)”

  1. I don’t get it. This site’s description informs us that it uninstalls traces of Avira. Yet when one tries it, the app proclaims that it is for removing trojans [and lists them].
    At any rate, didn’t solve my Avira problems

      1. Where’s that uninstaller, all I see is another tool to remove trojans etc.
        If there’s an unistaller please link it.

          1. There is NO “404 not found” error message. We just have checked. We suggest you to please try again.

          2. Please try again after clean your browser’s cache. We have checked all them are working fine.

          3. When clicking on Techexperts “Avira Uninstaller” link, I got the same results that “CLO” got,.. “404 not found” message.

  2. Download ccleaner and use the tool to remove avira completely from the computer and I have tested and works for me.

      1. I used REVO and Avira REINSTALLED itself when I restarted my computer! Fully functional but now REVO nor Windows Unistall see it…. Avira is the worst kind of software – a legitimate virus.

  3. REVO leaves a lot of AVIRA files and folders behind.
    Your link to the uninstall tool does go to a 404
    Your link to the “removal” tool goeas to a 2010 pdf file.

  4. There is no Avira program to remove the Avira AntiVirus. I have looked everywhere. This program you are suggesting wants to remove Trojans!!!
    This REVO you are also suggesting is INVASIVE.
    Come up with better assistance for people who need real help!

  5. my sisters install it without asking me. i prefer other anti virus.

    i hate avira, it’s annoying and troublesome because they dont want to get lost >:( i tried uninstall from control panel, it said it’s done uninstall but they still showed up. now I MUST download other app to remove it properly? so troublesome!!!! >:( I really hate avira

  6. There must be their old uninstaller available for download somewhere, but I can’t find it. For once and for all, the “Avira Removal Tool” is NOT an uninstaller – it’s a tool to disinfect PCs with malware once, on an “ad hoc” basis. That is, it’s for “removal” of malware, not of the antivirus. Please test the files that you link to, at least to check what they are.




  8. if anyone reading this, i hate stupid avira and cannot unistall from my pc. i tried to reinstall and remove from the control panel and after did also revo uninstaller it is still working in my pc for god sake how can i get rid of this program?

  9. Avira is SUCK… may good for the first time but it’s decrease my laptop performance day by day.. and the worst of all.. unninstall this is very complicated…
    my question :” WHY ?”
    i regret using this program and i dont wanna use this again.. EVER

    1. Sorry to say, Avira has been stopped to provide its removal tool, we don’t know why. You can uninstall any program through REVO uninstall tool as well, please try it.

  10. if you can not uninstall Avira speedup, then you have to go to task manager and end avira speedup process , then go to speedup service and stop it. and the last step go to file location and SHIFT+DELETE
    that’s it.

  11. I tried this Avira program and sucks, unable to remove avira speed up. Piece of crap and my computer is acting very slow and problems.

  12. I am unable to install a windows 10 update because avira is somewhere on my computer and I can’t find it

      1. I did this and still cannot install Windows 10 update. I’ve used Revo. I’ve performed the manual uninstall. I’ve tried the Windows 10 uninstall program. It still will not update Windows 10 because of Avira. Funny thing is, I never knowingly installed Avira.

  13. After trying ALL of the ‘suggestions’ offered in this thread of comments, I STILL am not able to completely remove AVIRA from my computer!! I have uninstalled it with the Windows Add/Remove programs in Control Panel. I have also uninstalled it using “3rd party Uninstaller”, which supposedly removes all the lingering files left behind by uninstaller. With this said, I STILL can’t seem to get rid of AVIRA!! It is still trying to do a “scheduled scan” every day with the “a Scanner”.. Why am I STILL not able to completely remove this aggravating AVIRA program from my computer?!?! ~ It’s getting beyond ridiculous!!

      1. Avira seems to be installing updates using Windows Update. Undoubtedly that means that parts of Avira are getting installed in the core of Windows software.

        1. Avira can’t get updates using Windows update because Avira is not a Microsoft product. It might be possible that the Avira service is running in the system background and keeps reinstalling & getting updates as soon as you connect to the Internet. It is also possible that the Avira update and Windows update are running simultaneously.

          Do you want to remove Avira from your computer?
          Have you tried Avira Registry cleaner tool? And after that have you followed the step by step Avira manual removal guide?
          If not tried, then please try it once. Reply if the manual steps did not work for you.

  14. I’m trying to uninstall all the traces of the various antiviruses that were on the PC because I can’t install avira

  15. half worked
    but could not delete avria folder said it was running
    yet i could not find any trace of it
    so now it is treat it like the virus it is and reinstall windows

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