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How to Remove Titan Antivirus 2013 Fake Alerts, Warnings


I am facing a virus issue named as “Titan Antivirus 2013.” Actually I have installed it accidentally.  When I am trying to start any application on my computer, “Titan Antivirus 2013” stated that application is a virus and it closed it. I can’t even go online from this computer. Anything I am trying yo open on my computer “Titan Antivirus 2013” popup brings up and shows me lots of infected files warning. I am really very frustrated. Please help me to get rid of “Titan Antivirus 2013“.


Solved Answer

Titan Antivirus 2013 is a computer infection which is powered by the Rogue.PCDefPlus. Once it is installed into your computer, it keeps giving you a fake scan results, fake security warnings, and conflict with other programs when you tried to start them. This shareware is promoted trough malware/trojans. You can be become infected by this program/software when visiting website and downloading any free software from3rd party website, that tries to install this infection on your computer without you permission & knowledge.

Once it is Installed, Titan Antivirus 2013 would be trying to start every time when you try to start any other application on your computer. When it will start up a fake scan of your computer and then state that there are some infections found. If you try to remove them by this software with “remove infection” button, it will prompts you, first need to buy this program then you can able to repair all that infections. As we educate you before that scanned results are all fake and the files it found are legitimate files, please ignore everything which that programs displays.


When you try to run any program on your computer, Titan Antivirus 2013 will close it and says that the program is infected. It happens because this program does by modifying the .EXE extension on windows registry. This changes happens when Titan Antivirus 2013 install into your computer.

It does protect that .exe registry settings itself until it’s removed.

Error message displays when you tried to run a program and stopped by Titan Antivirus 2013

“Titan Antivirus 2013 Firewall Alert
An application cmd.exe is infected with Trojan-Downloader.JS.Agent.ftu. Private data can be stolen by third parties, including credit card details and passwords.

If you get these messages, please do not be concerned because your applications are not infected. This is a totally fake alert.

This Titan Antivirus 2013 also gives you following error messages as well, while trying trying to start a program and it will state itself.

“Security Alert”
Unknown program is scanning your system registry right now! Identity the theft detected.

Security Alert
Vulnerabilities Found
“Background scan for security breaches has been finished. Serious problems have been detected. Safeguard your system against exploits, malware and viruses right now by activating Proactive Defence.”

To remove it, follow the below instructions carefully to remove it completely.


Step 1 : Reboot your computer with “Safe mode with Networking” to Uninstall Titan Antivirus 2013 from computer

  • Turn it off your computer.
  • Turn back on your computer, immediately tapping (pressing & releasing repeatedly) the “F8” key on your keyboard until you’ll get the advanced boot option (As shown on below screenshot). If you’re using Windows 8 then know more about how to start Safe mode, click on that link : How to start computer in Safemode with Networking”.


  • Select the option “Safe mode with Networking” using arrow keys on your keyboard, then hit Enter button.


  • Windows will start in the safe mode with networking and then you’ll prompted that login into your account, so please login into your same account, which you’ve login usually. Then you’ll get your desktop with Safe mode.


Step 2 : Remove Registry infection, which have been infected by Titan Antivirus 2013.

First of all we need to repair registry keys value, so that we can run any program/tool so that we can able to begin a scan with one of anti-malware software and can able remove Titan Antivirus 2013 completely.

2.1 : Download “Registry-Fix.reg” from below link.

2.2 : Double-click on that downloaded Registry-Fix.reg file to run it. (As shown on below screenshot)


Download : Registry-Fix.reg

2.3 : It’d prompt you below message, then click on Yes. (As shown on below screenshot)


2.4 : It’d give you another message, click on OK. (As shown on below screenshot)



Step 3 : Remove Titan Antivirus 2013 with Malwarebytes (Download Malwarebytes and run a scan with that)

Download Malwarebytes.exe and then run a quick scan. If Titan antivirus 2013 will notify you that malwarebytes is a virus. Then please ignore it, because their all alerts are completely fake, do not belive on it. Just ignore that until it removed. After Removed, install a legitimate Antivirus.

3.1 : Download Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Free, then double-click on it to install it.

Click Here to Download >> Malwarebytes.exe


If above link haven’t worked, then click on below link to download malwarebytes-chameleon version. (Note: It’d download a zip file, zip file contained have lots of files, you can double-click on any one, It’d start malwarebytes-chameleon version)


How to use malwarebytes

How to use malwarebytes

3.2 : Update online Virus Definition

How to use malwarebytesHow to use malwarebytes

3.3 : Select the option “Perform quick scan”, then click on Scan.

3.4 : When the scan Finished, click on “Show results”How to use malwarebytes

3.5 : After clicking on Show result, it’ll give you a another window, where you’ll get a page named as “found threats”. Click on “Remove Selected” button to remove all the viruses which are selected.

How to use malwarebytes

Step 4 : Remove Titan Antivirus 2013 with Hitman-Pro

Click here to Download Hitmanpro_x32bit.exe

Click here to Download Hitmanpro_x64bit.exe


Install Antivirus Protection on your computer immediately

Step 5 : Delete all the following files & Registry keys, which have been associated files with Titan Antivirus 2013.

Delete all the following files & folders and registry keys manually.

  • %CommonAppData%\ifdstore\
  • %CommonAppData%\ifdstore\app.ico
  • %CommonAppData%\ifdstore\support.ico
  • %CommonAppData%\ifdstore\cache.bin
  • %CommonStartMenu%\Programs\Titan Antivirus 2013\Titan Antivirus 2013 Help and Support.lnk
  • %CommonAppData%\ifdstore\idfdata.bin
  • %CommonStartMenu%\Programs\Titan Antivirus 2013\Titan Antivirus 2013.lnk
  • %Desktop%\Titan Antivirus 2013.lnk
  • %CommonAppData%\ifdstore\uninst.ico
  • %CommonStartMenu%\Programs\Titan Antivirus 2013\
  • %CommonAppData%\ifdstore\<random>.exe
  • %CommonStartMenu%\Programs\Titan Antivirus 2013\Remove Titan Antivirus 2013.lnk
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\ifdstore
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\.exe “(Default)” = “4g”
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\.exe\shell\open\command “(Default)” = “”%CommonAppData%\ifdstore\<random>.exe” /ex “%1″ %*”
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run “idefsvc” = “%CommonAppData%\ifdstore\<random>.exe /min”
  • Delete zesatwsw.dat from below path (As shown on below screenshot)

9-10-2013 2-42-28 PM

  • Delete ctfmon32.exe from below registry path (As shown on below screenshot)

9-10-2013 2-48-32 PM

Free Registration key of Titan Antivirus 2013

Titan Antivirus 2013 Activation Code




Titan antivirus 2013 is a rogue and fake security application from the Rogue.WinWebSec family of computer infection. This program is categorized as rogue ware program because it displays fake scan result, fake security warnings. This is created to trick you into thinking that your computer is seriously infected with multiple threats or anti-viruses.

Once Titan antivirus 2013 is entered into your computer, you will find strange error message and pop-up continually being displayed on your computer screen, fake scan result. if you try to remove them it will state you first you need to purchase a program to do this. All the scan results are fake, please ignore all alerts those are given by this antivirus.

This Titan Antivirus 2013 is does not allow you to open your normal websites. However in actually , the main intention of Titan Antivirus 2013 is to extort money from computer users via credit card.

It is enters into your computer without user permission or knowledge. Some of the ways through which Titan Antivirus 2013 can comes into your computer including peer to peer file sharing tools, visiting malicious websites, using infected device like pen drive, downloading any free software program from internet, spam email etc.

So, you should ignore all alerts that are given by Titan Antivirus 2013. You should immediately remove this antivirus from your computer. To get rid of this Titan Antivirus 2013, you have to follow article mentioned steps very carefully

Search String

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  • How to get rid of Titan Antivirus 2013 virus
  • Remove Titan Antivirus 2013 popups
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