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How to fix No Disk Exception Processing Message c0000013 Parameters 75b6bf7c 4 75b6bf7c 75b6bf7c


How to fix No Disk Exception Processing Message c0000013 Parameters 75b6bf7c 4 75b6bf7c 75b6bf7c ?

Solved Answers:-

If you getting this error message appears some time, that means some registry entries gone changed automatically might have some virus or malware infection it does change them registries, now we need to change some registry setting back to the same stage, that should be.
Here are the few steps to resolve this problem, please follow these steps.



Quick Resolution

find that registry keys ErrorMode
and change the value data 2 and click on ok.
Default value of the Errormode
keys should be 0X00000000(2)

 I will explain you how to do that.

 1. Click on Start >> and then click on Run.
2. You will get a box where you have to type regedit.
3. The registry editor will be open front of you, then you have to find the registry key and have to click on PLUS sign of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.


4. Click on PLUS sign of  SYSTEM
5. Then click on PLUS sign of  CurrentControlSet.
6. Then click on PLUS sign of Control.
7. Then click on Windows.

8. When you click on Windows you will the ErrorMode of the right side pane.
9. Double click on ErrorMode and change the value data 2 and click on ok. 0X00000000(2)

default value of Errormode should be 0X00000000(2)

10. Finally restart your computer and Problem will be resolved

100 thoughts on “How to fix No Disk Exception Processing Message c0000013 Parameters 75b6bf7c 4 75b6bf7c 75b6bf7c”

  1. Thanks a lot. Problem solved. As a bonus from me, you should also \\”End Process Tree\\” for a process started automatically by the current user called \\”svchost .exe\\” . You can differentiate this particular process from others similar process by the space character between the \\”t\\” and the \\”.\\” That is \\”t .\\” Only this fake process has it in similar processes . This action will immediately stop any floppy drive noise and your computer will run smoothly. In windows XP just press ctrl+alt+del to take you straight to \\”Windows Task Manager\\” where you can do this. I have not taking time to find out how to disable this process from starting automatically. So, for now you must do this for each start of the computer.

  2. Thanks Man.

    Please, those that know about computer problem should always offer solution on forum. before i visited this forum another person was offering a new-born baby instruction on how to resolve this problem. i immediately leave the forum because i’m not all that all that a baby computer user who is unable to detect wrong guide

  3. Thank you very much. Was easy to do and worked perfectly.
    As background, I just wanted the error message to go away and spybot to run properly.
    In reading the entire post, I see this may also be the solution to the DVD burner issue I’ve been having for years.

  4. didn’t work for me.
    As soon as i changed the value of the “Errormode” to 2,the value has been updated to 0x00000002(2) instead of 0x00000000(2).
    Before changing the value it was 0x00000000(0)

  5. its working perfect but bad luck i got more than 16 to 20 error messages after changing it to 2.and also not able to connect net.

  6. Does not work for me.
    I changed the value of the “ErrorMode” to 2,the value has been changed to 0X00000002 .Before changing the value it was 0×00000000(0)

    1. You need to do all that step on Administrator account. (start your computer in which account which have administrator rights). Let me know if doesn’t work.

    1. I have followed your instructions down toNo.9 but no matter how I try, I cannot change the value. After the ‘x’ you want eight zerosfollowed by a bracketed number 2.
      My readout shows only seven zeros after the ‘x’ and a 2 before the bracketed 2. I double clicked on the ErrorMode to make changes but the ‘x’ will not print. So how do I proceed?

      1. Simply you need to double click on the “ErrorMode” value and then delete everything which is written inside the “Value Data” and type there “2” then click on OK. That’s it.
        Please revert back after try.

  7. youuuuuuhooooooooo!
    thank you very much, that worked
    i tried all these stuffs about changing your disk name….
    but this solved the error even without restarting
    thank you very much

  8. douglas mistelske

    thank you so much! my brother once got this window to go away 8 months ago. I have no clue how it came back. He is a systems engeneer, but cannot be here! I appreciate your honesty without trying to sell me something that I am not even sure it will solve my issue. WE STRONGLY NEED MORE honest people like you who are straightup honest and supportive! I love to barter and if I can ever help you with automotive knowledge, I am a 25 year master automotive tech., electrical engineer w/ ford and mopar! Feel free to e-mail me with any ?’s! I also build drag race cars and have had my 1969 Plymouth for 35 years! Thanks again!

  9. my regedit has been disabled by administration.
    same msg for task manager. i m using win XP. i dont hav its installation cd and vista or other OS are not compatible for my old laptop. pls help.

    1. So please contact your administrator to open that regedit so that you can use that step to solve that issue.

  10. Thanks! I have had this error for years on my Win XP system. I followed your steps and changed the value data to (2); however my ErrorMode string looks like this:0X00000002 (2). Also, after I rebooted my ErrorMode reverted back to:
    0X00000000 (0) so that I had to manually change the value data to (2) again. As long as I do not reboot I have no problems. Any ideas as to why the changed value data (2) reverts back to (0) after reboot? Thanks!

  11. I followed your steps and changed the value data to (2); however my ErrorMode string looks like this:0X00000002 (2). how am i going to change it?

  12. Great tip! Got this message twice every time when logging into Windows and was unable to fix it. Tried every removable drive I might have used in the past to solve this issue to no avail. But then, I found this site and followed the instructions and now… Problem looks to be solved! Thanks! Will keep this site in my bookmarks.

  13. Thank you for helping me solve my most irritating problem. I had tried various means and almost had given up when I came across your website. I am now so happy! Thank you!!

  14. Thank you very much I was also having ” No Disk Exception” message with my computer and I got it solved as you mentioned above in step by step instructions. Thanks once again.

  15. I am having another computer issues whenever I try to download ” Google Chrome” or any other application it stops at 99% and keeps on going but never finishes it’s download, this happens with other applications also as I mentioned, please do help with this problem. My system is dual core and I am working with windows xp sp2. I would appreciate if you could help me in simple steps because I am not very techie.

  16. Anyone have any suggestions for this error: windows corrupt file error exception processing message c0000102 parameters 75b6bf7c 75b6bf7c 75b6bf7c? I have a Compaq Presario 2500, nothing on the computer will respond, and I just want to get music off the computer.

  17. The following steps where done for sorting out the above problem :
    1. Click on Start >> and then click on Run.
    2. You will get a box where you have to type regedit. and when i said OK it says Registry editing has been disabled by your administrator, how do i solve this now.



    1. That means either you are using standard user account(not the administrator rights account) or if you have administrator rights account, maybe virus did that. So please let us know the status and then we’ll help you.

  18. Hey Techexpert,

    Do you have any solutions for my problem: windows corrupt file error exception processing message c0000102 parameters 75b6bf7c 75b6bf7c 75b6bf7c? I have a Compaq Presario 2500, nothing on the computer will respond

  19. not accepting.. showing an error msg as:

    “Cannot edit errormode: Error writing the value’s new content.”

    Please assist.

  20. Dear Sir,

    After doing this my error message is gone but i m not able to open firefox, task manager, and registry file they open and with in 2 sec it close auto, i cat work on those

    1. Might be possibility that a virus / malware have into your computer. So, run following tools from our tools page then let us know the result.
      1. Run Malwarebytes
      2. Trojan Remover
      3. Rin HitmanPro
      4. Run TFC

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