Blue screen of death or BSOD Error is a big headache for computer users. As it comes suddenly and hangs or freeze the computer completely with displaying some message on a Blue screen. We can not do any other thing on this stage except switching off the computer and restarting it. If blue screen error come again and again it can corrupt the hard disk and crash your windows 7 OS. Which can results in data loss.
Cause of Blue screen Error
There are many cause of this error it can be due to some hardware issue or can be due to some software issue. Instructions on how to fix the blue screen error in windows 7 OS. Â You can follow the steps given next in this tutorial.
Fixing Blue Screen Error in Windows 7 using Microsoft Hotfix
Microsft has given an official fixit by which you can fix blue screen error in windows 7 with this utility. Follow the below steps for this.
- Open your Internet Browser like Internet Explorer / Firefox / Chrome
- Go to the link . This is an official link to download the hotfix from Mircosoft windows website.
- Select the option “Download Hotfix Available”.
- Accept the terms.
- Then type your email address and unique code and click on Request hotfix.
- Then check your inbox. You will get the confirmation email on your email ID.
- Get your latest update to fix the blue screen error.
Hopefully it will fix the problem and you can get rid of this blue screen error in windows 7.
If not it means it can be due to some other issue. You Can follow other steps to remove this error.
1. Scan for Malware and Viruses with a reputed antivirus and anti malware software.
2. Update your windows Installation. So you must have to download the latest security patches released time to time by windows.
3. Run Scan disk to fix hard drive error if there any.
If none of the above work then you can try a last fix by Changing your RAM. This is the common hardware which damaged and can cause this blue screen error.
If still unable to resolve the issue then ask technical help or take the computer to a repair shop.
Good for ur Information
Thank U
my problem,Blue screen. tried holding F8 menue, screen fades unable to do anything,Think its a software problem. any advice?
Did you install any software your on computer recently? Start your computer in safemode (using the F8 key) and uninstall all the recently installed programs. It should be worked.
hi….. im having some blue screen problems on my compac pc…. i have tried to boot the machine in safe mode but it still shows the blue screen and restarts…………… please help
and by the way is there a possiblibiy of fixing a broken pin on a laptop harddrive?
My computer get massage blue screen during repairing windows 7 is
I want to solutions of this error
Only one step to fix the blue screen is change your RAM… trust me guys
RJ Alao is correct – swap the RAM – mine is fixed now
my computer has this problem (blue screen error)!
It doesn’t appear always or anywhere, it appears only when I play games like (Call of duty or Prototype).
While playing games this error appears after 15-20 minutes.
what do you think? Where is the problem? Hardware or Software?
Any solution?
I faced consecutive 3 blue screen from yesterday. Can it be for installing Bitdefender antivirus? faced the problem during streaming videos from internet. don’t know if this is coincidence. what to do?
I have tried all methods suggested on the internet including microsoft hotfix and none of them helped.
Microsoft,as usually, was least helpful
Please explain when are you getting this error message? Please provide me the error code as well.
I am facing problem with my system some days before , i have changed system RAM 4 GB to 8 GB after that system giving me blue screen error why any solutions for this?
Maybe the RAM you have changed (8GB) has a different frequency than 4GB. Different frequency RAM can be the cause of this blue screen.
No its same Frequency and same company i am using 1333 Mhz DDR3 Ram
Then it should not act like this. Is your operating system 32bit or 64bit version?
I am using window 7 sp1 ultimate 64 bit.
Windows 7 64bit can use unlimited RAM. We have to do research on it and then we can give you an answer. While time you can do update your windows, if it works.
how to fix the blue screen
Follow the article’s steps. We have given all the possible methods to fix the blue screen here. If it doesn’t work, then please provide the error code of the blue screen.