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  • #26201
    Prabhakaran P

    Dear sir,

    After starting computer windows 10 2004 version trend micro suddenly not launching itself since last 3 days. Tried house call, and other tool kits. But cannot restore it. Kindly suggest or help. Windows scan identified a hacking high risk threat which disappeared before windows scan could correct it. I reinstalled trend micro also. Kindly help.




    Trend Micro security failed to launch since the new windows 10 2004 release version does not support it. This causes the program to crush or fail to load. Windows has been releasing new updates which requires software developers to makes changes in their code to comply with windows security policies. The current trend micro version supports windows 10 1903 version and they have not release the patch to enable support for the new windows 10 2004 year 2020 version. However, to run Trend micro you must install Vulnerability Protection Agent 2.0 SP2 Patch 7 CP3 or upgrade to the latest patch. For the latest updates check here https://success.trendmicro.com/solution/000256629


    Make sure one thing, your windows defender is turned off completely. Sometimes when you have two antivirus enabled in an account then this type of problem may occur.

    If this does not happen to you, then uninstall the latest Windows update from the computer or try clean boot your computer except Trend-micro one.

    If this may be incompatible with the new Windows 10 update, then see this: https://www.techsupportall.com/windows-10-update-and-incompatibility-issue-with-trend-micro/

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