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Why Set an Internet Connection as Metered and How to Do It in Windows 10

Internet connection has become an essential need of today’s world. Nowadays, most of the devices and software require Internet to work at full potential. Microsoft Windows 10 is also one of them, Which uses internet to download latest updates. In windows 10 it is not possible to switch off the updates. It can use the internet data heavily.  If you are on a limited plan having limited data usage then you can face problems. To tackle this situation there is an option to set internet connection as metered to save bandwidth.

How to set a connection as Metered Connection in Windows 10?

  1. Open the Start menu and click on settings option.
  2. Click on the ‘Network and Internet’ Option. Network & Internet Settings
  3. Select the type of internet connection you are connected with (Wi Fi or Ethernet). Wi Fi for wireless connection and Ethernet for wired connections. After that select on the connected internet connection to go to the advanced settings of that connection as like below screenshot. In my case it is wi fi connection named as unic.Network Advanced Options
  4. Now you will see some advanced settings of the Network scroll down and find the metered connection option. Set Metered Connection in Widows 10
  5. Switch on the option “Set as metered connection” and enjoy the benefits of it.

Benefits of Setting a Connection as Metered

Several changes happen in your system when you set connection as metered. It helps you to save storage speed by preventing Windows from eating up all bandwidth in updates.

No Automatic Windows Updates

The option of automatic windows update will disable when you set current connection as metered rather the system will ask your permission before making updates. If you will allow downloads only then the updates will install. Windows 10 works on default settings where updates and other settings done on their own and it’s designed in such way that it requires minimum user intervention to keep it up to dated. But still there is an option to control the updates when you have a limited plan internet connection.

If someone wants to control the bandwidth of the download, then set a connection as metered is an option for which it asks your permission before making an update. The devices which are connected with hotspot and satellite internet type connection must need this option to experience a better and faster connection.

No Automatic App Installation

Windows 10 gives a great option to its users to download and use desktop version of mobile apps. These apps also require continuous updating. You can disable windows store updates with metered option but it will not stop your browser update and you can enjoy the latest features of the browser and desktop programs.

Live Tiles May Not show Updated Information

The settings of Microsoft don’t show live tiles updates when you select metered option. So making a connection metered will help you to avoid irritated updates. Though you can turn off these tiles by other methods. Read how to customize start menu in windows 10.

No Peer to Peer Updates

When you set metered connection, windows 10 machine doesn’t use bandwidth of the internet and prevent the updates to use share internet of common devices. Other connections have to get your permission before making any download.

Different Behavior in Other Apps

In metered connection, the apps which use more bandwidth change their behavior and don’t use excess amount of internet. This behavior is similar for those default apps and those which you download from Windows Store.

When Do You Need Metered Connection?

There are some situations when you need to set your connection as metered. If you are using an internet connection that originated from an integrated mobile data or you are using home based internet connection that has a data caps, then you must set metered connection to limit the connection. Windows 10 detects mobile hotspots which are provided by the mobile data service providers. You should turn on metered connection settings from sharing data from mobile hotspots. Satellite and dial up internet connections are slower in speed as compared to other internet services. Enable the metered connection feature to prevent possible low speed. The downloading and upgrade of Internet Service Provider (ISP) consumes a lot of bandwidth, metered connection is the only solution for this.

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