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How to fix Object Error in internet explorer


When I try to open internet explorer it shows error message “object error” this comes up when I try to open any new webpage.

object error in Internet explorer

Solved Answers

When you open Internet explorer you got the message Object Error’ that means Internet explorer is getting lot of load of unwanted toolbars, BHO’s, addon’s, extensions etc. Follow the below steps to get rid of this error and fix it automatically. The best fix is to uninstall the unwanted toolbars. Below steps help you to solve the issue.

Steps to fix “Object Error”

  1. Uninstall Unwanted Toolbars from add/remove program
  2. Download this Hitman pro 32bit | Hitmanpro 64bit  for virus removal, Run this software and start scanning and remove the virus infected files (Remove if any virus detected)
  3. To disable Unwanted Add-ons of IE you can use this MS fixit utility.
  4. Reset Internet Explorer Security Settings from Internet property option >> security >> Reset all zone to default level
  5. Reset Internet explorer by reset button.
  6. Restart your computer. After restarted problem should get fixed.

32 thoughts on “How to fix Object Error in internet explorer”

  1. @Lamin, If that does not resolve the issue, it means you have an antivirus or security program that is trying to scan webpaged but has been disabled. So enable those and it should help resolve the Issue.

    1. @Hemant, can you explain how to do what you told Lamin? I have the same as Lamin … IE9, Win 7 – 64 bit os … my error pops up on different sites on IE9 … ‘Message from webpage [object Error]’. I have used ctrl + alt + delete to get out of it … I’ve discovered that the website has duplicated its ‘Task’, and by ending the second task the error is ended and the webpage cleared. But I would LOVE to know how to completely eliminate the pop-up box altogether … do you know how?
      Many thanks, Minque

  2. Dude right on…. you’re a Genius!!!! Mine was doin that bad, been runnin searches and comin up empty. Was bout to give up when i ran across this post. Followed steps and So far it’s runnin like a dream!!!

  3. Thank you so much I had been trying to get rid of this problem for quite some time ,I had previously disabled some add-ons . That worked for awhile then it started popping up again about 2 weeks ago nothing stopped it this time untill I found your post . IE may not be the fastest browser however it is my preferred browser .

  4. Your instructions are very clear. You have done a great public service. Thank you very much. I am in your debt. I am now rebooting to see whether it works.

  5. Hey Tech,
    I’v searcher far and long for the solution to the cursed [object Error] issuse. I followed your instrutions to the T, re-booted and IT WAS GONE!!!!!. U DA MAN!!,..,eh.Girl!,..?!..TECH:) whomever,
    Thanks for the 1 in 20 posts to actually offer real tech advise.
    much appreciated. To All out there, This advise works.

  6. Veronica Hedrick

    I kept having this webpage error message appear. The customer service rep Danny helped me through it and it worked. Great website! Thanks for helping. It was quick and easy.

  7. wasn’t sure about this web site but i can see now it was very helpful i just need to see if this really works! my issue has been resolved!

  8. Thank you so much, I had object error on most of the website, I wondered how fix object error from webpage, I have done lots of steps from lots of websites, finally I got your page and only yours solution worked. Thanks a lot for providing the right direction.

  9. Whot to fix this error temperorry
    ***Error Reference: zrzyqw
    System Error
    Sorry, an unexpected error condition has occurred. Please contact your system administrator for assistance and provide the following reference number to help locate additional information about this problem in the system log files.
    Error Reference: zrzyqw

  10. Tools>> Internet Options >>Security>> Trusted sites>> Sites>> Delete all the sites and make check mark required Server varification

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