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Users with Windows 10 May 2019 Update required to update

Update to latest Windows 10

Windows versions have an expiration date, as we know. Now it’s the users’ turn with version 1903 to let it go. Thus, the Redmond people started the automatic update period for this version. Although this period should have started about 5 months ago. It should be noted that Windows allows manual updates for the versions, while they have technical support available. When the end of technical support is near, the automatic update period begins.

For example, this is the recent case for users with 1809. In April 2020 Microsoft announced that it would extend support for 1809 until November of this year. Consequently, in June the automatic update stage for this version began. As this stage begins approximately 6 months before the support expires. It was expected that the period for the 1903 version would arrive in July, one month later. Since the difference between the end of life of both versions is one month. But the pandemic prevented this from happening. So the Redmond people decided to postpone the period for the 1903 version. So the process starts now, about 1 month before the version is last updated on December 8.

List of Windows 10 versions with end date

Users of Windows 10 May 2019 Update to recent version, but not the most recent

When the Windows 10 oct 2020 Update was released, Microsoft announced that it would be available for users with version 1903 onwards. That is, users with this version or higher would be able to search and update manually to the latest update. However, this is not the option in the automatic update. Certainly Windows upgrades users from version 1903 to a more recent version: version 1909. Oddly enough, it does not upgrade to 2H20, or to version 2004.

This means that the transition will be quick, easy, and virtually seamless. But it also means that soon these users will have a new forced upgrade, since version 1909 is close to its end as well. That’s why the best thing is to update once to 20H2, last version of Windows 10. By the way, if you haven’t seen the news of this update visit our post and take a look at this Windows tweet.

If you are still using using Windows 7 then here is your chance to upgrade to windows 10 for free. If you are facing any kind of error in upgrade process you can always ask a question in tech community.

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