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  • #31662

    Yes, you have diagnosed it correctly. The spooler service is not showing due to missing registry entries.

    Try this one: http://techsupportall.com/download/registry_files/spooler-service-for-windows10.zip

    If the above given registry file is blocked from downloading then we are sharing with you another way to restore the print spooler service. There are two options to do it. Choose the one according to choice.

    1) We have created a print spooler repair tool that will fix this issue automatically. Read more info about it: https://www.techsupportall.com/print-spooler-repair-tool/

    2) Create Print Spooler registry entries manually. Follow the following instructions.

    1. Start your computer
    2. Do “right-click” on your desktop’s empty area → Click on “new” → Click on “text document“.
    3. Name the file “NewTextDocument.txt” and open the file.
    4. Copy the following text (which is in green color) from the below and paste it into the text file that you have just created:

      Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

      “Collect Timeout”=dword:000007d0
      “Object List”=”1450”
      “Open Timeout”=dword:00000fa0[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Spooler\Security]

    5. After pasting, click on the file menu in notepad.
    6. Click on “save as” and save the file named “printspooler.reg” (make sure to Change the extension to “.reg”)
    7. Now go to the location where you have just saved the file and double-click on it to open the printspooler.reg file.
    8. Click on YES
    9. Click on Yes again
    10. Click on OK. The default registry entry should be successfully updated.
    11. Once you’re done, you must restart your computer.

    That’s it.

    If you do not understand step exactly then watch this video tutorial:

    Do let me know if the spooler service is still not listed, after reboot.

    Goran A Hemdal

    I have the problem with my print spooler service missing/not listed on the service page on a lapto running windows 10. The problem appears to be a corrupted spooler registry key after a severe system crash and repair. The current Spooler Registry Key only lists the 3 values (default), DependOnService and Type, missing all the additional 10 values (including ImagePath to spoolsv.exe and start). I assume this to be the reason why the Spooler is not listed on the service page.

    When trying to download Spooer.reg for windows 10, the download is blocked my security software reporting that the file is infected by malware. (Only the file Spooler.reg for windows 10 is prevented from downloading, all other downloads are unaffected). I’m not willing to risk infecting my computer using a suspicious download. Therefore please check the Spooler.reg for windows 10 download and replace it with an uncorrupted file. .

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