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  • #26204

    I turn on my PC and it beeps 1 time, loads up fine however when i go to get into the desktop screen it is completely black and all i see is my cursor, i think it has to do with the beep or windows itself but not really sure, I’ve tried troubleshooting command prompt and system restore nothing works


    Ive just loaded something on the pc repair it says Problem Event Name- Startup Repair Offline


    Black screen with only cursor in the Desktop is a common problem. Since you have tried advanced troubleshooting methods using CMD and restore point, we are going to give you more alternatives that have been proven to work.

    • Login into your computer and once you can see the black screen with only cursor, then press the Ctrl+Shift+Esc or Ctrl+Alt+Del keys in combination to open task manager. Once it is open, go to file in the left top corner and type at Run services.msc search for App Readiness and double click it to open. It will open properties panel select Disabled from drop down menu then Apply and Okay. Next is to restart the PC from the task manager. To do so go to file >> New task in Run and type CMD to open Command prompt interface-> Type shutdown /s /f to restart the system. This should fix the black screen problem and you should login as usual.

    Screenshot (63)

    • If this does not work since you do not have a restore point, proceed to safe mode in advanced start up and login to your account as usual. From there make a back up of your data then proceed to Device manager. Scroll down to display or graphics driver and uninstall it. Whenever there is an error with this driver, the display normally runs to issues. Go a head to restart and update the driver again to get the latest version.
    • Finally to save your time troubleshooting, go ahead and Reset the PC since you already made a backup of your data above.  Go to Troubleshoot >> Advanced Options >> then Reset this PC. Choose on the option to keep files and applications and nothing more. This should take half an hour at most.

    Let us know if any of the above methods solved your problem.


    Hey thanks for the reply but i am totally confused because for 1 the 1st option you gave me the disable App Thingy i dont even have that and the 2nd one i cant get into device manager at all either when im in safe mode everything is still dark


    Hi @koda,

    I have created a dedicated page for this back screen with cursor problem. I request you to please try it once if you haven’t tried it yet: https://www.techsupportall.com/how-to-fix-windows-10-black-screen-with-cursor-issue/

    Keep me updated.


    In your case use alternative methods such as the one provided by the Techexpert or do a clean installation.


    Hello those methods didnt work but thank u so much for the help, i have a question so you know how i said my pc beeps 1 time on startup well i took my pc apart and messed around with it so i am supposed to have 3 sticks of ram i only have 2 when i take out a certain one and tthen start my pc the beep is gone however there is no pc display at all. With only 1 ram stick in the system also if i switch my ram sticks to differnt slots it beeps over and over , also i think i might have downloaded a faulty version of windows on it months ago , do u think one of these things could be the problem? And any Suggestions? Thanks =)


    And btw I’m running windows 7. With Amd Radeon graphics. Acer aspire X3470.


    It seems like a problem in the RAM. If your computer beeps once, its means it is OK. If the beeps over and over (Continue beeping), it means your RAM is faulty.

    Do one thing:  remove all 3 RAMs from your computer and put them one by one and check which one is faulty. For an Example: put number 1 RAM and then start your PC, if the computer continues beeping and has NO display, it means the RAM is faulty. Don’t use that RAM.

    Sometimes the RAM starts up normally but gets stuck while using it for a long time. So make sure the connected RAM is in working condition.

    For black screen with cursor issue, please answer the following question.

    1) Do you see the taskbar on the black screen?

    2) Is your computer showing desktop icons in safe mode?

    3) What exactly happens when you press alt + ctrl + del keys in combination on the back screen?

    4) What happens when you press alt + ctrl + del keys in combination? Does the task manager open up or not?


    Ok so when i boot into safe mode its the same thing complete black screen with only the cursor when i press cntrl alt delete it brings up 5 options including task manager at the very bottom


    So it seems like a problem in starting explorer.exe file.

    1) What exactly happens when you start explorer.exe file from task manager?

    2) If option 1 doesn’t work then one option remains: repair your ‘Windows Startup‘ through Windows 10 CD – Boot your computer from Windows 10 bootable CD, select the option ‘repair your Windows‘ then select advanced and finally select ‘Startup Repair‘.

    Please keep me updated.


    When i search for explorer.exe or other things mostly it says file could not be found, and i dont think i have a disc , btw my pc is windows 7



    It looks like explorer.exe file is missing in your computer. In this case, you need to copy this explorer.exe file from its CD or from another computer. I’ll provide you Windows 7’s default explorer.exe file from a fresh Windows 7, and tell you how you can copy it into your computer. Just let me know, is it 32bit Windows or 64bit Windows.
    Do you have another computer and a pen drive (flash drive) to copy this file?


    I believe my desktop is 64 bit and yes i have a 32g flashdrive and a chromebook laptop


    I think im going to go out and by a new windows disc and some new Ram and maybe a better cpu , maybe that will fix it

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