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  • #17853

    Hi my server workstation service is not starting it is giving error 2 which states that the system can not find file specified. Tried to change the dependencies in the REGEDIT as well as the path in the ImagePath butĀ  this did not work, how can i solve this issue please help.


    The server service uses “srvsvc.dll” file. And Workstation service uses “wkssvc.dll” file to run.

    It is possible that the “.dll” files have got corrupted. Or “Server / Workstation” service’s settings have changed.

    We advise you to please replace these two files & registry with the default one.

    Here we are giving you the default .dll files, and default registry files.

    Default Registry Files

    Download these files and do double-click on them to merge them to registry one by one.

    • Default “Server” Service – Download
    • Default “Workstation” ServiceĀ  – Download

    Default “.dll” files

    Download these files and copy / paste to “C:\Windows\System32”. Replace them if asked. Do it in safe mode if it doesn’t replace properlly.

    Please reply if need more help.

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