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  • #10777
    Mike Fok

    Problem details:


    Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
    Application Name: explorer.exe
    Application Version: 6.1.7601.17514
    Application Timestamp: 4ce796f3
    Fault Module Name: ntdll.dll
    Fault Module Version: 6.1.7601.19018
    Fault Module Timestamp: 5609fdaf
    Exception Code: c0000005
    Exception Offset: 00053451
    OS Version: 6.1.7601.
    Locale ID: 3076
    Additional Information 1: abcc
    Additional Information 2: abcc8f7853b48d9807d6d51eb1fa5df9
    Additional Information 3: abcc
    Additional Information 4: abcc8f7853b48d9807d6d51eb1fa5df9




    Any advice on how to fix it? It keeps happening and is annoying.


    Run Combofix tool once and also disable unwanted apps & services from windows startup using autoruns tool. Also run “SFC /scannow” command in CMD once. It should be fixed after that.


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