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  • #12003
    Sameh Elmasry

    when i log any site , this massage appear ” this site can”t be reached

    feed.snapdo.com refused to connect 


    Feed.snapdo.com is a browser hijacker. We recommend you to run a scan with our tool (Adware Removal Tool v5.1). Let us know if doesn’t fix after that.

    Sameh Elmasry

    i used the tool then i open the browers i found it not remove


    i used the tool many time

    first time

    i found 19 item

    the more time

    i found 3 to 2 item

    every time i clean it then open the browser i found same problem not solved


    Sure, we’ll help you,

    Please share the scan / repair logs of our tool so that we can give you further steps.

    In which browser are you still facing this issue?

    We are waiting for your reply.

    Sameh Elmasry

    first , thank you for support me every time

    than i used the tool again , chossed the scan butom  than apper that & finished

    than open new tab in my browser found not solved

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