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  • #18095
    krunal patel

    There isn’t enough memory to complete this action.
    Try using less data or closing other applications.
    To increase memory availability, consider:
    – Using a 64-bit version of Microsoft Excel.
    – Adding memory to your device.


    Follow the following steps to fix the issue.


    1. Close all the applitions included Office 2016 on your computer.
    2. Right-click” on the file and click on properties. The file where you getting this issue.
    3. In the General tab click on “Unblock” button and then click on “Apply” and “OK“.


    1. Open Office 2016 (Exel or word).
    2. Click on Files menu then click on options.
    3. Then tick the check-box “Ignore other application that use Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE)“.

    Let us know if doesn’t work.


    Tried both, and neither fixed this issue for a Windows 10, Office 2016, 64 bit Excel.  It is only happening with 2 files also.  This is a newly imaged and fresh install of Office.


    Same issue here. Installed 64 bit excel to try and remedy this. One file. Just trying to add a row.

    Deepak Sahu

    Try updating all OFFICE 2016 software update in ‘Update and Security’.


    I copy the file with issue to another laptop which can open it successfully with editable mode, then save it to another copy with different name. Move the new copy back to my laptop, open the new one and this time issue gone.


    3) Try cleaning the office temporary file from the temp folder using the command given below:

    del /F /S /Q “C:\Users\[USER]\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\*”

    4) Clean MS office cache. Here’s an article to find out how to clear the cache from MS office.

    Keep me updated please !!


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