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  • #26887

    I just purchased Dell 3750 laptop and my wife’s external Samsung monitor. HDMI links the display to Dell laptop. Audio doesn’t come when the display is paired. The HDMI link takes the playback from Dell and delivers the signal to your computer, I’m fairly convinced. Issue is, there are no speakers on the display-so audio is not available. If I detach the Hdmi, the Dell plays sound but then no outside screen is attached.


    Hello, By default HDMI cable is set to transfer both video and audio. However, you will be forced to make manual changes in settings in order to change the default channel for sound. With an HDMI cable connected, the system sets up the default sound to HDMI. Follow these steps to make changes to your windows 10 laptop.

    • Disable the HDMI sound driver in the device manager.

    That way the windows will not enable HDMI as the default sound driver and you will be able to use your normal speakers. Go to Device manager, open Audio inputs and outputs then Disable the HDMI sound driver.

    • Set default sound device

    This is the best way to change the default sound device for your PC. Open the Control panel -> Hardware and sounds -> Sound and set your default speaker the press ok to save settings.

    Screenshot (159)



    Thanks Buddy!


    Thanks.  Why did I never do this sooner.  Fed up with my audio switching to a monitor with no speakers after an update.


    Thanks , senior.

    Definitely worked

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