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  • #11686

    I have run the removal tool and my computer still keeps redirecting me. I dont know what to do. I would appreciate any help you can give. Thanks so much, Lorene


    Sure we’ll help you. Did you reset your browser after run our tool. It is recommended that reset your browser after use of our tool. Could you please also share with us the website name where your browser keeps redirecting? Our current tool’s version v4.1 have a little coding bug and our technical team is still working on it and will fix it very soon on its new version v4.2. While time we recommend you to please follow our following steps.


    1. Run Adwcleaner
    2. Run HitmanPro 32bit / HitmanPro 64bit
    3. Reset your all the browsers.

    Let us know if that doesn’t fix the issue and also if that will be worked for you.



    Thanks so much for the help. I have 2 md90s and the one that had the redirect on it gave out on me. My computer guy is making one good computer out of them.He said he will get rid of it for me. I can not remember any of the redirects and there were so many, only one I remember Norton. When I get my computer back if this happens again I will write down the redirects and let you know. By the way how do you reset the browser and will it delete my extensions ect: when I do? As you can see I am not a tech person. Thanks again for taking the time to respond. Lorene Kraft


    You’re most welcome!!

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